Cookie Policy

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that a website places on your computer, phone, or any other device with internet access, containing information regarding the way you “surf” or browse that particular site. Cookies are used to make browsing / “surfing” easier and simpler, and they do not damage your computer.


Why are cookies used on this site?

Our cookies have different functions:

– Essential Cookies: Some cookies are essential to access specific areas of our site. These cookies allow site navigation and usage of your applications, such as accessing secure areas of the site by means or through login. Without these cookies, services that require these types of accesses cannot be provided.

– Analytic Cookies: We use these cookies to analyze how users / visitors use or surf the site as well as monitor its performance. By doing so, it allows us to provide a high quality experience by customizing or personalizing our offer and by quickly identifying and correcting any issues that may arise. For example, we use performance cookies to find out which pages are most popular, which method used for linking pages is most effective, or to determine why some pages are receiving error messages. Based on the use of the site, we may also use these cookies to highlight the site’s items, goods, products or services that we believe are of more interest to users / visitors. These cookies are used only for the purpose of statistical creation and analysis, without ever collecting personal information.

– Functional Cookies: We use functional cookies to allow us to recall or remind the user of his / her preferences. For example, cookies avoid typing the user’s name every time the user / visitor accesses the site.

In short, functional cookies retain and/or keep user preferences for site usage, so you do not need to reconfigure the site each time you visit.


The cookies used can be:

 Permanent Cookies: these particular cookies are stored at the navigator level of Internet (browser) in their access devices (pc, mobile and tablet) and are used / put in practice whenever or each time the user / visitor makes a new visit to the site. Usually

they are used to direct or steer the navigation according to the interests of the user, thus allowing us to provide a more personalized service.

– Session Cookies: These cookies are temporary, they remain in the cookies of your internet browser until you leave and exit the site. The information obtained allows us to identify problems and provide a better browsing experience.


Is it possible to disable the use of cookies?

Yes, cookies can be disabled in Settings (available in the Cookies alert, that appear at the time of the first visit to our site) or in your browser. Please note, however, that by disabling cookies, you can prevent certain web services from working properly, affecting, in part or in full, your website navigation.

If you wish to block or delete cookies from this site, you may do so by modifying your browser’s settings. Although the parameterization of each is different, it is common to reconfigure or re-establish them in the “Preferences” or “Tools” menu. For details on reconfiguring cookies, see the “Help” menu of your browser.




RNAL: 44118/AL